Full power and high quantities: Especially in industrial window and door production, these factors can be crucial to success. Our continuous machines for woodworking in series production impress with speed and automation – entirely in line with the motto “as quick as possible, as precise as necessary.“ We analyze your processes and, with the help of special machine construction, offer you a custom and efficient machine solution using standardized components and units. You will be excited to see what cycle times are possible using the latest technology!
Combined with intelligent automation, your employees will also be relieved and your production can respond dynamically to order peaks. This is the future of industrial woodworking.
The focus is not always on short cycle times and high production quantities. Depending on the application case, the processing quality can be pushed to the forefront. We also offer the right machine solution for this too: We guarantee perfect surfaces and optimal results of woodworking through intelligent approach technologies, flexible programming and years of experience. All cycles can be customized so that your technicians can also incorporate continuous improvements.
No matter whether wall production, door, mullion-transom or window production: We are at your side with our efficient machine solutions when you make investments of any size. Of course individually tailored to your requirements and processes.
Automation in industrial woodworking is much more than just using robots: From the feed to the packaging and storage, automation offers tremendous potential along the production chain for companies of all sizes. Together we will find the ideal level of automation for you.
We are happy to help you with all kinds of inquiries.